So, you may or may not have heard this theory before, but it's one of those "I wish I'd known about that earlier" things that I recently started to understand. When you are on a weight loss journey, you sometimes will experience stalls or periods of unexplained plateaus. You're doing everything right, but you're not losing weight. It can get super frustrating, but there may be a scientific reason why it's happening. I've touched on this a little bit before, but today I wanted to explain it in a little better detail to provide some clarity, and hopefully, some encouragement if you've found yourself in a weight loss stall. So, I've talked before about how your body puts in a lot of work to keep us healthy and thriving. Sometimes, if you change your eating habits suddenly, or are losing weight too quickly, your body will work to slow down the process, in case this might indicate that you are starving or in crisis. We know that we're not...