So when I was pregnant with my littlest, one of the biggest cravings I had was grits. I'd never been a huge fan of grits before, but all of the sudden, it was all I wanted to eat. I would make cheese grits, top it with crumbled bacon, and that made unborn Hannah and I both very happy. 😂 Ever since, things like that have been a nostalgic kind of comfort food and one of the things I miss since starting Keto. When I make certain meals, I wish there was a kind of starch that would pair well that wasn't cauliflower rice or mash. I don't mind either of those things, but the texture of pre-made riced cauliflower has never been my favorite (I know I'm not alone). I've learned to make mashed cauliflower work, but only after a good bit of working on it do I really find it palatable. Anyway, the other day I was thinking, and I asked my husband if he thought I could make a "grits" knockoff by finely shredding cauliflower into granules and cooking it as if it w...